Monday, December 20, 2010


Most of the time, making dinner is quite an enjoyable part of my day. Other times it is the most painful task  I can possibly imagine. Right now we seem to be on a bit of a painful streak, with very few meals being well received by the starving animals with whom I live.  Even the ones they choose and help prepare just "don't sound good." Not nearly as good as canned chili and chicken nuggets, which must "sound" heavenly because that is all they want to eat. SICK. What they do eat is based on whether or not  dessert is available later in the evening and then a certain percentage of how much has to be eaten to get dessert is determined, bites counted, etc. etc. It makes me craaazy. I recently tried to go on strike from cooking but my resignation was not accepted. So we had a little family meeting with the "If-you-want-to-eat-you-will-stop-the-gagging-and-dry-heaving-and-try-it-because-it-is-not-poison-and-you-do-like-this-stuff" talk. So far so good. They seem to be pulling out of it and dinner time is fun again. This was the conversation Ben and I had the other night while I was making tacos:

B: Is that dinosaur meat?
M: No.
B: Is that Batman meat?
M: Nope. It's cow meat.
B: Oh. So the man killed the cow and cut it open to see it's blood?
M: Um, yep.
B: Then he squeezed the blood and meat together to make the cow meat?
M: Yep.
B:Oh. So the cow IS dead?

I have to admit that, after this little conversation, cereal was "sounding" pretty good to me...

1 comment:

Cher said...

That gave me a good laugh Jen. My daughter calls all meat "chicken." She loves all types of "chicken" - but especially the pot roast type of "chicken."
I'm afraid though If Ben were to explain to her how chicken meat is made she might become a vegetarian. :)