Tuesday, July 31, 2012


We have had two totally crazy hail storms this summer. The first one was in June when Chris was out of town. We were trying to Skype with him during the storm but the hail hitting the roof was so loud he couldn't hear us. Fours hours and a tornado warning later and it was over. It cause all kinds of damage (new roof, new paint for deck and windows, new gutters, etc.) and many hours of yard work so we weren't too happy to see the second one. Even the kids said, "Oh man, that means A LOT of yard work....!" It was however fun to see them playing in it and to look out and see the trees and yard just as white as if it were snow! Ben filled bag after ziplock bag of hail and attempted to "store" it all in my freezer to make ice sculptures....it was a sad day when the hail got tossed out!

Monday, July 16, 2012


This little fella has been such a stinker the last month or so! He is as cute as can be but NAUGHTY! I think it must have to do with the big kids being home for the summer...it has thrown off his life a little. We have been running to keep up with their schedules and he just gets drug along. So to entertain himself, he has mastered teasing Nick to the point of tears, is driving Olivia crazy and whining/lying/not listening to me the rest of the time. I am going to try to give him a little more personal attention and see of that helps him to feel better. He is such an easy going, happy boy that it is hard to see him so out of sorts! Momma loves you Benny Boy!

Gem of the day: Tonight, while out to dinner, Ben turns to Nick and says, "Your face looks like your butt. No offense." See...NAUGHTY!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Sleeping out on the upper deck of our house is quickly becoming one of our favorite things to do. I thought Chris was crazy the first time he drug the mattresses and pillows outside... And even more crazy when we threw it all back in the house when it started raining at 5am! But at 6200 feet above sea level, the 70 degree July nights and the clear starry skies are too amazing to miss. Last night our old neighbors from Kansas City stayed with us and my friend, Connie, was dying to sleep out. So we left six sleeping kids and the hubbies inside and went out for one of the best night's sleep ever! Tonight the kids are out there, all cuddled in with books and their guard dog Charles.....sleep tight!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Today is the first day of Prelims for swim team....GO DOLPHINS!! Nick got one race done before the rain started. This mom could have prepared a little better as we are all sopping wet! The races are on hold due to thunder so we'll probably be here a while. Thanks to Ben bringing his entire savings with him in his pocket, we had enough cash to buy everyone a hot chocolate. We are happy and considering today to be a great adventure!! Swim hard, Smith kids!