Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Olivia has been introduced to a bit of "real life," as we like to call it, the past week or so. She has had some really tough decisions to make. The last six months she has been swimming her heart out, conditioning five to six hours a week in the pool. She swims long distances, and is good at them too! She qualified for Silver State in the 500 and was really excited about it. She surprised even herself! And then last weekend arrived. Chris was checking the Silver State schedule of events and found out that her big race, the one that is usually exclusively held on Friday nights, is being held on Sunday. And just like that, she made her decision. I won't swim. There was no waffling, even though a few tears were shed. I love to watch her swim but love even more to see her made the right decision even when it is so terribly difficult.

Fast forward to tonight at the dinner table. Olivia was telling her dad and I what had happened at school today regarding her birthday party. Invites were mailed out a week ago for the bash being held this Friday. Today one of the girls invited asked another girl, who was not invited, if she was going. Of course the girl was very sad and confronted Olivia about it. Olivia did not want to hurt her feelings, so she lied and told the girl, to her face, that she was NOT having a party. She told us she "just didn't have any other choice," to which we disagreed. She said she was feeling terrible inside, worried that her friend would find out about the party and hate her for life and she just wanted us to tell her how to fix it. Ah, yet another opportunity for our girl to make a tough decision! We suggested that she not worry about her friends reaction,since she could not control that, but instead figure out what she needed to do to feel good inside about HER actions. She could not see what she could possibly do about it now and we suggested making a list of all of her options and then deciding which one would make her feel the very best. Teary-eyed, she went in the family room and a few minutes later had a text composed to her friend. Olivia had apologized and said how very sorry she was, that the Holy Ghost had "warmed her" when she asked if she should invite this friend and that she would really like her to come. Of course there was another hour of drama exchanged via text, but in the end, Olivia told the girl she will bring by an invite tomorrow and the girl said she will come to the party. Once again, I am really proud of Olivia. She was able to fix her mistake the best she could by calling upon the Holy Ghost to guide her. She is such a sweet girl, never wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, but tonight she did something even more important than that when she chose honesty above everything else.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Today Lola pig got a bath. At first Kitty was okay with it, but once Lola hit the dryer Kitty "ALL DONE!!!" And the rescue mission began.....


Tonight Chris and I went out for our Valentine's date. We hit the Home and Garden show downtown and then went to our favorite place for Valentine's Day..... Outback Steakhouse. I have no idea how it started but we have gone there for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite memories was going there for Valentine's was I was a week past my due date with Olivia. Even a Blooming Onion couldn't put me into labor.;) This year was just as fun as every other year and we had a great night. My parents watched the kids so we just took our time and enjoyed the evening!
When we got home, the kids were all in bed and the Grandparents were happy. It sounded like they had fun. My Dad laughed when he told Ben, "Okay, it's time to hit the sack!" And Ben responded with, "What?! What does THAT mean?!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Ben has been in semi-private swim lessons with two friends since October and he is doing so well! For the first while we wasn't breathing-at all-when he did freestyle bit now he's got it all figured out. He can do breast and back and even his butterfly was looking good yesterday at lessons. He can already swim 25 yards in three strokes so he will be able to swim for the Dolphins this summer! Way to go!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Is there anything cuter on earth? I think not. I would hang out in the bathroom forever if it meant this little angel was with me. She's sure working hard, although not really getting anywhere with the potty training. She watches all of us do our thing though. The other day she was in the bathroom with Chris. When he flushed, she clapped her hands and said, "Good girl!"

Sunday, February 10, 2013


These two, on their way to church, wearing their "Sunday mustaches." Their facial hair got left in the car......

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I swear it was just yesterday that I was holding my ten-pound baby boy in my arms! Now he is tall and strong and and such a lovey. He is hilarious and smart and has the softest heart. I don't know what I would do without you, Benny! In honor of your birthday, here are six things I love about you:

1. I love your sense of humor. When you say things like "That's insane!" or

2. You are a kind little boy. Every night you come into Kate's room and give her goodnight kiss and hug while she is being rocked. The look on your face is always the same, one full of love and adoration for your baby. A couple weeks ago at soccer, this one weird kid was totally driving you crazy. Then later on, he got hurt in the game and you were the first one to help him up, pat his back and make sure he was okay. Heart of gold.

3. You never forget a detail. I forget stuff all the time but you, oh no. You remember where I left Kitty's shoes and the conversation we had a year ago in the car about mermaids. It is unbelievable!

4. You LOVE to have me take you to school in the mornings. We have this little ritual where you get out of the car and run to the end of the sidewalk. I pull up and unroll my window in time to hear you yell, "Bye, Mom! I love you! Bye!" as you blow kisses. I yell back and send kisses to you until you turn the corner and head into school. It is so sweet. The other day we started talking about the bus and you got tears in your eyes just telling me about how much you like having me take you.

5. You are fast on your two- wheel bike! We have fun racing down the street and somehow, you ALWAYS win!! Listening to you trash-talk your mom makes losing fun.;)

6. You love to have me tuck you in at night with a nice kiss and a really good hug. If it's not very good, you'll ask for another one.

This list could be pages long, there are so many things I love about you!! Thank you, Ben, for being my sweet boy. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. Being a six-year-old is exciting! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Mom


Nick did his first flag ceremony at the February Pack meeting. He was so cute! And SO nervous. From the second he got home from school that day, it was all he could talk about. He was so worried that he would drop it. He reminded me that if the flag touched the ground it would need to be burned and he was NOT going to let that happen. We might have seen a few nervous tears. He did such a wonderful job. He knew just what to do and didn't miss a beat. And that big smile in the picture? That means that the flag didn't touch the ground.... So proud of you, buddy. XO

Thursday, February 7, 2013


This little girl LOVES to be measured, just like the big kids.....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Our BABY is 23 months old. I don't know how she got so big. Sometimes when I get her out of the tub and wrap her little wet body in a towel, I can still see what she looked like when she was tiny. And I love it. She is busy and wild these days. She screams, she bites, she throws things and looks so dainty and sweet all the while. She talks up a storm and manages, somehow, to turn the lights on in her room everynight when she is supposed to be sleeping. She loves to eat chips and cheese sticks and asks for "MILK!" a hundred times a day. She is still a crazy health nut and tried to eat all of mommy's spinach eggs this morning. She still does sign language too, even though she really is talking a lot. Of all her words, she says, "Huh?" the most often. She loves to dance and loves to "play!" with the "kids" even more.  Today she said and signed "Go! Car! Play! Kids!" The nursery at church and the daycare at the gym are her two favorite places on earth. The boys love her and she tattles on them..."Mom! Ben. Hurt" and then raises her pinkie finger or whatever was bumped during play. She loves "Carlie" the dog, giving him squeezes around the neck and kisses each day. Every time she calls him, she says "Carlie! Come here! And pats her leg. For as cute as it is, he has never obeyed, not even once. She is impatient and naked most days. She loves to give butterfly kisses and watch the deer roaming the neighborhood. She likes to sing Twinkle Twinkle and Popcorn Popping and Five little Monkeys. She counts as she walks down the stairs, just like mommy taught her. She reads  and reads and reads some more. She especially loves her ladybug book and the farm animal pop up book. She is a tease. Tonight she took off with Nick's glue stick, just because she could. She and Olivia love to cuddle up in blankets and watch "Good Luck Charlie" on tv. She doesn't like to have her hair done. Period. "All Done!!" I love this little Miss. She changed our lives forever 23 months ago and I will always be grateful.

Monday, February 4, 2013


This gal is taking an interest in all things "potty." It started a couple weeks ago when she figured out how fun it is to roll the toilet paper from the holder straight into the toilet. Last week I caught her in the guest bathroom, wiping and then flushing all 176 Kleenexes in the box. (See photo.) Now she's into being buck naked. In the last 24 hours I have redressed her 16 times. She strips down to absolutely nothing and then flies around house free as a bird. We started safety pinning the zipper on her pj's after she was nude several mornings in a row when we went in to get her out of bed. I have only cleaned up when accident but Chris was home with her tonight and she kept him busy. She pooped in the boys' room so he had to get out the carpet cleaner. He put her in bed and went in to check on her a while later only to find her naked and her bed peed in. He changed the sheets, cleaned her up and got her back to sleep just as I got home. Perfect timing!
For as crazy as this girl is right now, we are loving her to pieces. She is sassy and hilarious and so loving that we just can't help but think everything she does is cute. Especially when she's naked! XO