Friday, January 23, 2009


After three long weeks full of work, exhaustion and sickness, we are officially moved out of our house. I can't believe it's finally over! Chris and friends hauled boxes out of our house and into my parents garage while my girlfriends and I had a little cleaning party. The neighbors stopped by over the weekend, bearing good-bye treats, gift cards and even a delicious "moving day" breakfast. One of our favorite families three doors down created a beautiful photo album for us documenting our time on St. Charles brought me to tears instantly! I will miss our tree-lined neighborhood, full of kids and popsickles and bikes and dogs. Does every neighborhood have an annual block party and an average of three lemonade stands up and running on any given weekend? Emotions ran high, making it a hard day, but also one full of relief. Despite what Nick thinks, nurses do NOT make alot of money and and saying good-bye to our mortgage payment was a very happy moment. I know this is what we are supposed to be doing right now so that alone made saying good-bye to St. Charles Street a little bit easier to do.

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