Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As  I was putting away the Christmas ornaments this morning, Ben and I started talking about his birthday party. He wants a volcano theme and I'll be honest, I am a little worried about what I can do with that. So I asked him if we could combine it with something. He responded with," Oh, you mean like soccer or something?" I told him I was thinking more like dinosaurs or something like that. He spend the next five minutes telling me the following:

"You know my favorite dinosaur, right? It's the Spinosauraus. It has sharp claws, powerful jaws, and it has a spine. It is the biggest and awesomest dinosaur. It can eat any kind of dinosaur. Well, if a crocodile is trying to get it, it uses it's claws to scrap it's side. It eats alligators. Wait. It doesn't eat alligators. It eats tiny dinosaurs and it eats Long-necks. It's teeth are not sharp. They are coin-sized. They grab it and shake it around and get some meat out. It will break the dinosaurs neck that it is eating. It throws it on the ground and the dinosaur is dead. Then he does something else. We're not sure why it has spines....."

"Soo...." I said, "We can make this a dinosaur and volcano party?"

"Yes. I want brown cake. Frosting on the side and in the middle. Then green frosting on the top covering the whole thing. Then, um, kind of like put brown, brown, brown stripes, then red shooting up, then brown going down. I want a round top on the Spinosaurus, then a long tail and a red eye. Put a long snout with it's mouth open. Make the teeth like this.....demonstrated. For the claws, put the arms sticking out and then put three claws- like this- curves his fingers- on each side. K mom? Okay? Put two of those guys on one side and one on the other, okay? Then we need a couple of black shirts and two pink shirts for the 'grils'.  We are all going to draw volcanoes in boy or gril colors. Then we are going to play with arrows, so make a target and stick it somewhere with tape. Then we can throw balls at it. Then we are going to draw some T-Rexes on plates and then make a frisbee. You can draw whatever you want on the front and whatever you want on the back. Then we will play a tiny bit of dinosaur soccer. The invitations will be volcanoes. The time will start at 'Four firty'. There will be games and treats and a pinata. They can be dinosaurs or volcanoes. And there is going to be a candy cane on the side of them....."

Oh. My. He kept going. And going. And going. But my fingers cramped up and I couldn't type anymore. Heaven help me that I get this party right.......:)

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