Tuesday, August 11, 2015


We have a new Third grader in the house! It all started yesterday.......

Yesterday we went and met his teacher, who was also Nick's third grade teacher and just an amazing, fantastic woman. (Ben's mother may or may not have written a small pile of letters to ensure he could get this teacher for third grade.;) As soon as she saw us, she said, "IS THIS BEN?!?!" And gave him a giant hug. He put away his school supplies, did a little project and then we were off to get his school picture taken. Then he was done for the day! 

Today, Ben was up at 7am on the dot and jumped in the shower. (He was forbidden to get out of bed before his alarm went off at 7am. He would have been up by 6am if we didn't have a sleep sheriff in the house!) He was fully dressed and ready to go by 7:15. The one thing this boy is NOT is a dawdler.;) He spent the morning playing with Maisey and building a fort with Kate until it was time to leave. (It IS kind of nice having the kids all leave at different times in the morning. The house seems rather quiet!) In the car on the way there, he said he was "mostly excited and wondering what they were going to do." He has a thing about telling jokes to his teachers so we talked about what would be a good back to school joke for Mrs. Reini. As soon as we pulled up to the curb, he hopped out and was gone. Just like that. And I miss him like crazy.

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