Friday, September 28, 2012


In the last two weeks, both Olivia and Nick have entered the exciting world of orthodontia treatment. Unfortunately for both of them (or us, really) they have their mom's big teeth and their dad's tiny mouth. Olivia has a couple of years worth of work and then she'll be done forever. Little Nicky will have a longer road and wear braces twice. Both will be done by high school though so that's pretty nice. Of course they have been complaining about all of this but I know they are excited. Olivia's first comment to Ben after her expander was put in was, "Hey Ben, lemme show you something cool" as she opened her mouth and threw her head back. Nick couldn't wait to choose the colors of his bands today when his braces were put on. He went with the 49ers colors of red, black and gold. I think it's cute. I remember making retainers out of paper clips and thinking I was the bomb. (Then when it came time to actually start wearing headgear, that bomb exploded....;) Ask me where my retainer is today.... I have no idea.) The fun does wear off and Sissy had some sore days and tears last week but she is doing great. And the beautiful smiles they will have once it is all over will be worth it!

ADDENDUM: It's been seven hours since I wrote the post above....and the fun has officially worn off. Nick spent a good portion of his afternoon curled up in a blanket in his underwear, wailing. Apparently the kids at school made fun of him because he talks funny now and he is certain that, because of the low expander bar now in the roof of his mouth, he is going to starve to death. That worry didn't last long though.....he's already broken a brace off and I came home tonight to his expander in a plastic baggy. Heaven help this child's mother.....

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