Sunday, July 7, 2013


On our way to Preston, we drove through Salt Lake so Chris could ordain Carson with the Melchezedik Priesthood. He will be leaving for his mission to Japan in a month and I am just so thankful for this guy. He has been such a powerful example in my kids' lives. They play the piano because of him. They swim because Carson swims. They write stories at school about him. And some mornings the only way I get them dressed is by reminding them that the shirt I am begging them to wear was a hand-me-down from Carson. For them to see how he has chosen to live and the decision he has made to serve a mission is so, so impressionable. I hope my boys grow to be just like their favorite cousin!

After a week in Preston, we returned to Salt Lake to go through the temple with Carson. Chris was his escort and the experience was a very special one. Aunt Pat, Uncle Ron, and Casey were there in addition to Annette and I. There really is no better place on earth to see your family than in the temple!

Afterwards, we grabbed some Cafe Rio and headed back to the Malens for one last night. I love this picture of Carson, Kate, and Olivia. They look like parents....

I love how happy yet awkward Kate is with Carson holding her....

This picture will be used on next year's reunion t-shirts to commemorate Carson's time serving in Japan......

We are sure going to miss you Carson but wouldn't have you anywhere else. Enjoy Japan! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

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