Sunday, July 7, 2013


I think it is true when people say that 'bad things always happen on the way to the temple.' I have had it happen more than once.....despite advanced planning,  I am running late, can't find something I need to take, have had a disagreement with Chris or am just in a fowl mood. It is Satan's way of keeping me from where I need to be the very most. Thankfully, as I was reminded recently, Heavenly Father always wins out......;)

So back up two weeks. Nick had just been registered for Hawks football and received some of those decals for the car window. He kept begging me to put one on the van and I always had an excuse....not right now, the car is dirty, etc etc. I finally got around to putting it on the bottom left corner of the back window just a few days before our trip to Utah.

Fast forward to this past Saturday morning. We had spent a week in Idaho and were driving to Salt Lake to go through the temple with Chris' nephew, Carson, that afternoon. Carson is the son of Chris' only sister and will be leaving to serve a mission in Japan next month. While Chris' sister is a member of the church, her husband is not, so Chris has had the opportunity to bless and perform some of Carson's ordinances. It wasn't long ago that he was blessing Carson as a baby; this he was able to give him the Melchesidak Priesthood and escort him through the temple! Chris has been a strong spiritual support for their family and today was undoubtedly a special day. As we were driving, I took the wallet out of my purse, just to double check that I had my recommend. It was there, and I was really looking forward to being in the temple.

Later on, Chris and Carson left in our van to head to the temple. They needed to be there two hours earlier than Annette (Chris' sister) and I. It wasn't until  after they left and I went to run an errand that I realized my wallet was not in my bag. It took me a minute to realize that it had been left in the van. And that my recommend was in it. I looked at my watch. It was 1:57. The boys were already in the temple. I raced home to tell Chris' sister. I thought for sure I wasn't going to get to go. We left with not nearly enough time to accomplish what we need to do. Once on the road, Annette reached over, grabbed my leg and said, "We'll say a prayer, and if Heavenly Father wants you in the temple, this will work out. And I know He does!" I wanted to cry. I prayed the whole way. I really needed to be in the temple, for Carson and but also for myself.  I told him I trusted in His plan, that He could make this work. I had the feeling to start at the top level of the parking garage where Annette figured Chris had parked. Having never been there or seen where it was, I quizzed her on the details of it the rest of the ride.

We made it to the temple in record time, despite the distance we had to drive. We found a perfect parking spot on a very busy street. So far, so good. It was 2:29. She pointed me to the doors of the conference center and then headed across the street to the temple. There were people everywhere. A sign read "East Elevators" and I figured I would start there, alongside the rest of the world.  While waiting for the elevator, the lady in front of me pointed out a picture on the wall to someone next to her. My eyes followed and noticed a picture with a bunch of houses in it. 

No one seemed to know what level was  the top level of the parking garage. I rode the elevator clear to the top of the convention center, where I was told I couldn't be unless I was in a tour. Oops. Then I rode down with a Russian family that was as lost as I was. I kept looking at my watch..2:35pm. The clock was ticking and I was stuck in an elevator! I finally just got off on some level that started with a 'P'. I will admit, I was feeling hopeless. This place was a huge maze. I took off my heels, slung my bag over my neck and started to run. The parking garage was dimly lit and hotter than hot. I knew our dark colored car was not going to be easy to find. My eyes scanned several rows while I ran up and around. The place was busy and soon I was back where I had started. No van. I hit the stairwell and went down a level. I started running again. It was 2:40. There were very few cars on this level. It looked to be under construction. A large letter T with the number 5 was painted on the wall. Where was I?  I was wasting my time. He didn't park here. No one parked here, I thought as I ran. I was dripping with sweat. I had just rounded the corner and was heading up hill when I saw it. Straight in front of me, about 10 cars up, a bright orange Parker Hawks football decal. I couldn't see the car it was on, but the sticker was bright and reflecting. The closer I got, I realized it was the van. I threw my shoes and bag down and crawled under the van to get the hide-a-key. I grabbed my wallet, then my bag and shoes and started running again. 2:40. Not late yet, but I was turned around and not sure which direction to go. I couldn't find a sign and the once busy parking garage was suddenly quiet. I started running again and heard myself say out loud, "I just need to get to the temple!" I found a sign that read "East exit" and followed it, remembering that at one point I was on the "East Elevators." Soon I found the elevators and hit whatever floor had a star next to it. I got off somewhere in the conference center and was completely alone. Where were the crowds of people when I needed them?! It was then that I turned around and saw the picture of all the houses on the wall. Ah, bless that woman for pointing it out to her friend! I realized I was back on street level and ran out the door and across the street.

Sheets of sweat were running down my face when I handed the temple worker my recommend.  The clock on the wall read 2:45. I changed quickly and tried to clean myself up for a second in the restroom before entering the chapel. My sister-in-law was in the first row and stood up and hugged me tightly when I walked in. Neither of us could believe that I made it. I realized that I had never been in the temple with her before then. And that the Salt Lake temple is even more beautiful than I had remembered. I took it all in, feeling the peace and beauty and contentment of the Lord's House. I have been in many temples, many different times. But, for the first time in my life, I had felt a deep, desperate urgency to get to the temple. I wanted to be there. And clearly, Heavenly Father wanted me there,too. 

My testimony of the temple has grown because of this experience. It is the Lord's house and He wants me in it. His plan for me includes being in the temple. Often. I know that, because I called upon Him, He guided me and through several tiny miracles, made it possible for me to spend time in His house on this particular day. 

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