Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ben has been doing speech therapy for the last six months or so at the request of our pediatrician. (He asked at Ben's 2yr. check-up in February if he was saying at least 100 words. I replied that if grunting counts as a word, he is up to about four. Or maybe six on a real talkative day....that got us immediately referred....) I can't say that I am honestly worried about him never talking: his two older siblings do it for him! Between them and a little sign language, we've got the communication thing all figured out! Nevertheless, I went with the recommendation that he receive therapy and it has actually been alot of fun. For both of us. He has a great time with Ms. Kari, playing games and working on sounds and vocabulary and I enjoy getting new ideas and games from her. Once we were even on TV for it, and a camera crew came to one of Ben's therapy sessions to see him in action! So far, I can't see a ton of improvements. Some days he does really well, other days not so much. I guess only time will tell!

UPDATE: In the few months right after we moved and therapy with Kari stopped, Ben's speech and vocabulary exploded! It was all of a sudden.... One day he started talking in sentences! It was so exciting. I knew he had it in him....he was just saving everything he learned from Kari so he could use it all at once!

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