Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Okay, we have leprechauns.  Naughty ones. They show up every year and the kids think they are great. I think they are a pain. They sneak into our house, make a mess and leave sugar for breakfast. Every year, it's the same thing. Writing on the walls, milk dyed strange colors, green toilet water, chaos. This year we woke up and the dog was wearing my swimsuit! SICK! The kids were toilet papered into their rooms, the living room couch was torn apart and Ben's shoe was in the microwave. The word "Stinky" was written on every mirror in the house. Gold coins were hidden all over and a little leprechaun man statue thing was hiding behind a bookcase in the living room.  Why they have chosen to visit us annually, I do not know. Maybe because my kids WAIT all year for them to show up. Maybe because this is really a holiday at our house. In fact, Olivia was shocked to find out Chris did not get the day off...

1 comment:

Frozen Chosen said...

LOL! You are my long lost soulmate, my friend!!! Long live the LUCKY day!