Saturday, April 10, 2010


On Friday afternoon about 2:00pm, Chris called and wanted to know if I wanted to go camping. The weekend weather was going to be beautiful and he volunteered to take care of "everything" so of course I said, "Yes!" He was home in an hour or so and we were just getting things in the car when the kids came home from school. They were immediately excited, wanting to know what was going on. We threw them in the car with the rest of the gear and off we headed to the Ozarks! Here is our happy travel guide, ready to explore!

It took us a little longer than expected to get to our destination, and we had a little trouble finding a campsite in the dark, but we made it and we had a great night together. We'd had dinner at Pizza Hut on our way so as soon as Dad got the fire going, the kids broke out the marshmallows. Oooh, there are few things in life as good as a S'more.....

Just as it always is when we are camping, the night was long and cold and hard. But the kids loved every minute of it. When dawn came we were outta that tent and on our way to explore the lake. We took the fishing poles and enjoyed the quiet early morning by the water. It was perfect!

Throwin' rocks

"Look, Charlie, like this!"

When it started to warm up, we headed back to camp for a (second) breakfast and to pack things up. The kids loved every minute of our time out there in the trees. (The ticks loved us, too....who knew that SIX of them would come home with us?!) I hope we can do a little more camping now that they are getting bigger. Time goes so slowly and it is amazing how we can almost escape from life, just by setting up a tent!

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