Wednesday, December 22, 2010


When we first got Charlie, we tried to give him a bath and it was a disaster. He ended up at the groomers and we decided from then on, it was going to be someone else's job to bath the dog. It's not him that's the problem, it's his fur. I am convinced that he is part bear or something because his coat is so, so thick. There are at least three layers to it, making it nearly impossible to get it all clean, let alone see his skin underneath.

Apparently, I had forgotten all of the above aquired knowledge because two days before Christmas, Olivia and I decided to give Charlie a bath. He needed to be spruced up and I knew I wasn't going to get him in anywhere that close to Christmas.  Besides, it couldn't be that bad and it would save me $50 dollars......
The waterproof dog

Then came the fun part, getting him dry....

You can see where he isn't the problem, right? 

Two hair dryers, a brush, countless garbage cans full of fur, three blown electrical fuses (due to the blowdryers), and over an hour-and-a-half of drying later, he is finished:

And don't get me wrong, he is beautiful. It's his fur that made me fall in love with him in the first place! But I am certain that he will never again receive a bath at home. The mess and the time involved are just not worth it. Not even Dave Ramsay would bathe this dog himself....

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