Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Today, we were looking at shoes online. (Ben wants some that he doesn't have to tie.) So we find a cute pair, Ben is looking very carefully at the image, and the following conversation takes place:

"Mom? Are these scarecrow?"

"Um, what?"

"Are these shoes scarecrow?"

"Huh? WHAT?"

"ARE THESE SHOES SCARECROW? YOU KNOW, as he sweeps his hand across across the top of one of the shoes he is wearing, SCARECROW?" 

"Do you mean VELCRO?"

"Yes. Velcro. So I don't have to tie......."

Last night we were playing games in the living room. Ben was talking about playing with the  "E-dults" (adults) and then started singing Queen's "Under Pressure but changes the lyris up just a bit to "Under Russia!" This morning he was all ready to go sledding at "Reckenranch" ( Breckenridge.) Gotta love this boy!!

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