Wednesday, July 2, 2014


The last few days have been good for these two. We have taken the kids and the dog to the open space at the top of the Pinery and walked through the trees a couple of times. Ben is our little adventure man and he immediately finds a good stick and starts running, jumping and skipping through the trees. Maisey loves to do the same and she follows him wherever he goes. She is always two steps behind him and willing to chase any stick he will throw. It makes my heart melt to see the two of them together. Ben often looks over his shoulder to make sure Miasey is still with him and sure enough, she always is. A boy and his dog. It is a beautiful precious thing.:)

 Today we spent the afternoon at the park with friends. Maisey came along and had a great time, too. In the car on the way home, she was loving on Ben. He was staring at her and said, "Mom, I think I have a new best friend....." I have no doubt that you do, little buddy. XO

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