Tonight was a big night in little Nick's life. He had gone to bed as usual and gotten up, as usual, but tonight he had a NEW excuse...."my tooth is loose!" Sure enough, one of his tiny bottom teeth was as wiggly as could be and ready to come out. I took him into the bathroom to work on it. He was so excited about losing his first tooth that he had a hard time focusing long enough to get it out! He HAD to do it himself. Below are some pictures I took of him as he worked on it in the mirror.
It's always so hard to get a good enough grip on those slimy little things! We finally figured out a good slip knot with the dental floss should do the trick. Nick couldn't bring himself to do it and just about backed out and took the floss off. I caught him off guard by asking him "Nick, How many stars are in the sky?" In the middle of his answer "About three million two-hundred and sixty-four," I counted to three really fast and gave a quick yank. Nick looked at me with this startled face and then realized what had happened when he saw his tooth dangling at the end of the floss. He started to shake and squeal he was SOOOO excited. The pictures below don't begin to capture his excitement. It was precious.
Nick claimed that "It didn't hurt at all!" and couldn't wait to show everyone in the family. He even tried to wake his sister up but no luck... she was out cold. He dictated a note to the tooth fairy and found a special little box for his tooth. In true Nick fashion, he managed to stay up a couple more hours since he was now "Waiting for the tooth fairy!"
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