My little Nicky graduated from preschool today! This morning I told him it was a "big day" and his response was, "How come it's a big day for you? You're not the one graduating!" Oh, child, for the first part of the year I thought I was going to have to enroll myself in the class to get you to go! He started out the year not really sure about school, but by Christmas he had fallen in love. He would have gone every day but I couldn't stand to part with him! He made lots of friends and worked so hard and we were ready to celebrate big. He got a haircut and chose to wear his favorite duds, a blue blazer, kaki pants and a blue and green polka dot tie. (He is such a handsome little devil.... His teachers "ooohed" when he walked through the door.)
The graduation ceremony was cute. The kids marched in to the graduation song wearing red hats with yarn tassles. They sang all of their spring songs and then diplomas were handed out as each child's name was announced. My parents were there as well as Chris and Ben and I so we hooted when "Nicholas Smith" received his diploma. We had balloons for him after the ceremony and then we went to lunch at his new favorite place, Dairy Queen, so he could get a "huge" rootbeer float. He ordered the enormous 72-ouncer at first but then I eyed the guy taking the order and he quickly responded with a "Sorry kid, the biggest rootbeer float you can get is this size" and pointed to a very tall medium cup. Gotta love a waiter that can read the eyes of a mother!
Way to go, Nick! I am so proud of you!
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