Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today was Father's Day and we had a great time letting Chris know how special he is to us. This guy is all about treats so we were up early, making his favorite morning meal...strawberry milkshakes! The kids thought it was great to get to have dad's kind of breakfast!
They had made cards and I gave him some decadent chocolate-dipped Hostess treats that I found at a local chocolate shop. (Seriously, can anything Hostess be decadent? I think not.) We did a digital picture frame with pictures of all of us for him to have at work and included some pictures from his special day. He loved it! Here are some of the best photos from the day....
(No, Charlie is not dead.....)

After church, it was finally time for the "Father's Day Contest." The kids do one of these for him every year, just for fun. Last year it was an ice cream taste test, this year it was soda....
They all get SO into it! The boys couldn't stand to wait any longer so they put their shirts over their eyes instead of going to find bandanas. (Insted of participating, Ben sat on the table by me and threw back glass after glass of soda that I poured for him!) Chris nailed almost every soda, even the weird ones, so that means he really is the SODA CHAMP we thought him to be! 
P.S. I heard next year's competition has something to do with frosting....

Honey I hope you know how special you are to our family! Thank you so much for....the crazy fun you bring into our house, working so  long and hard to bring home the bacon, being willing to help out when I need it, being understanding, singing all the time, being a "master gardener" so I don't have to, just for being ours!  xoxoxoxox

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