Friday, June 21, 2013


Ben is a total creative crack-up. I swear he has some new project every minute. Yesterday he was making a new cereal by taking old cereal boxes apart and gluing the graphics onto another box. And he keeps asking to go to the store to buy something to fill it:

A couple of days ago he was building the world's tallest tower and asked repeatedly if I would take a picture and send it to the Lego magazine. Only it wasn't made out of Legos.....
 That same afternoon he made a paper airplane with a picture of Aunt Steph that Kate miraculously printed from my phone:

That night when I took him to bed, I told him he had a choice: he could either earn 5 marbles for staying in bed and going to sleep or get a spaken for getting up and wandering around. He's been really working hard for marbles so of course he chose to stay in bed. Then over the next hour or two I keep seeing these little bits of paper fluttering down from the loft. A scrap from somewhere, then an animal TATOO, etc. Finally we see Ben up there and I get upset. Then he gets upset and says, "Don't you see! I am trying to tell you something! Haven't you read THE NOTES??? I AM HOT!!" I proceed to turn over the random scraps of paper and on each one of them he has written "I am hot." I thought that was the cutest and most clever thing. How could a kid that cute lose a marble?! 

This evening he went out and got a couple of branches with leaves on them and was doing little "L-U-V spells Luv!" cheers for Chris and Kate and I. And when he was supposed to be falling asleep, he was carefully cutting and accordion folding notes for everyone in the family. He just never slows down and I love it.;)

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