Thursday, June 20, 2013


 We checked off our first items from the summer bucket list this week....jump street and swimming with friends!
Kitty wasn't too sure of this place at first, but I jumped with her a little ( until I got kicked off the little kid tramp) and then she had a ball. Lalo did, too.;)

We've had a lot of late nights and early mornings this week but it doesn't seem to phase Ben. This morning, he was up, had his chores finished and was painting a picture of a "Panda house" at 6:30 am!
There is a whole lot of swimming going on this year. The three big kids are practicing 1-2 hours four days a week and then we are hitting the pool for fun a couple of those afternoons. Throw in a day-long swim meet on Saturdays and we are practically living at the pool!

Kate is REALLY loving the water this year. She is always asking for "dimming pool!" Today I had to keep dragging her out of the deep water..... She goes so far in that the water is at her chin! I told her today she was too small to be that far out in the pool as she yelled, " NO I NOT! NO I NOT!" As I pulled her to shallow water....;)

Lovin the summer with my kiddies!!!!

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