Saturday, January 1, 2011


The day before New Years Eve, we headed to Omaha to see some of our favorite friends from Chris' graduate school days at Creighton. The Eichmanns are (now) a fabulous family of seven who, dispite all of our moves, we have managed to see at least every year since we all parted ways. Last year they visited us for New Years and it was so much fun we decided it should be an annual thing. This trip, we really wanted to get to the temple so we dropped the kiddies off as soon as we got into town and flew then to the temple, making it just in time for the early session.
Winter Quarters Temple
Afterwards, the kids play beautifully so the big people laughed for hours over old memories and take-out fish from "The Dell." These are the kind of friends we just hang out with. No big complicated plans or running around, just hanging out. This year, the boys watched football and Becky and I were so immersed in "catch-up" conversation that we didn't get out of our pjs until 5pm! Once the moms were dressed, the party really got started. Our other friends, The Sorensen's stopped by for a bit and it was so great to see them, too. After lots of pizza, soda, and yummy snacks, we rang in the New Year with all the kids at 9:00pm...let's just say they needed to get to bed earlier than they had the night before!

The adults managed to keep each other awake until midnight, but barely. Things have changed since the rockin New Years parties we had back in school....wild games, late night friends and sleeping babies are long gone. (Seriously, we are getting old....!) After a few quick New Years kisses, it was lights out for the old folks too. 

Is it obvious that I really get into the whole New Years kissing thing?!
The next morning we packed up and headed home. It was such a fun few days catching up with great friends! Thanks guys! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Frozen Chosen said...

I LOVE your fun traditions. We sure miss you guys! Happy New Year!

Kari said...

We loved seeing you too!!! I hope it is sooner rather than later! :)