Sunday, September 5, 2010


 These two boys are my absolute favorite. I LOVE the way they play together. Their imaginations are simply they were "honey badgers" building caves, tonight they were "Ninja and Batman" having sword fights and when I took these photos a week or so ago, they were the Kansas City Chiefs! Every day it is something new and adventerous. Little Ben adores Nick, copies every move, repeats every sentence that Nick utters with the hope of being just like his big brother. (And most of the time, Nick thinks Ben's pretty cool, too!) I hope they can always be such good brothers for each other!

Marching out to the huddle....

Ben was excited when I showed up with the black eye stuff....apparently the
yellow hightlighter he used f irst wasn't cutting it!

Crazy fan mom was asked to sit on the deck and watch the game...

These boys aren't just a couple of pretty faces, either. They work as hard together off the field as they do on the field. Check out this team work:

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