Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Look who's running for Fourth Grade Student Council Representative! Good luck, Olivia! 
The poster went up on Tuesday....

Thursday was election day and Olivia was totally ready. Her speech was ready to go and she was feeling good about it....

1. I started my school career in Germany at the age of three
2.  If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be to Guatemala to hike the volcanos
3.  Over the summer I ate a real cricket that was salt and vinegar flavored!

1. Make sure (fellow student) Daniel has lots of fun things organized to keep him feeling like a part of the class. Surprise party once his Chemotherapy is done.
2.  Plan field trip to take kindergarten "buddy class" to outdoor class room to catch frogs, but not the poisonous ones;)

1. Talk to art teacher about recycling all the milk cartons into a huge tower-building art project
2. Hold a "Healthiest Class" competition for the whole school. Kids earn points for no tv days, riding their bikes to school, brushing their teeth. Class with most points with a party and special certificate at the end of the year.

My name is Livi Smith 
And I'm runnin' for president
If you elect me
I'll set you free
From school lunch,
hot lunch
teachers too!
I'll bring ya Pizza Hut Pizza
If you follow me through
We'll have field trips parties and fun stuff to do
This class is gonna rock when you vote Livi Lou!

Unfortunately, the day didn't go as planned.....Olivia said her speech went really great, that she remembered to have good eye contact and that hers was the only one that made people laugh. BUUUTTTT.... when one of the other girls running got up to give her speech, she froze and started to cry. She could barely get out a "Vote for Me" before running back to her seat. All the kids felt bad for her so she won. On sympathy votes! Olivia came home a bit disappointed but she was actually more worried about her friend that she was about losing to her. I didn't tell Liv this but I was ticked! Throw the cry baby out if she can't handle it. How is she going to get up in front of the entire school??? Oh, well. I have to remind myself that this IS fourth grade... It was a really good experience for her -I am so proud of her hardwork- but the thing I am most proud of is how she chose to make her friend more important than the win.  She could teach me a thing or two...! Way to go Liv! We love ya!

P.S. Olivia's teacher has emailed me twice since yesterday about how it all went down, to check on Olivia, and to let me know that it was "a very, very close race. A REALLY close race. A she-just-about had-it-(before-the-cry-baby)-kind-of-race." That's my girl....

1 comment:

Frozen Chosen said...

Way to go Livi Lou! We're proud of you too! We had a similiar experience last year- not a cry baby but a girl who wasn't even on Student Council. They only let her come because she was waiting for her brother who was on it. She was last year's Pres so they voted for her again! ARGGGH! Mother Bear growl ;) ....Obviously it still brings up feelings! LOL!